Pristine Ash Tree

Have Emerald Ash Borer Damage in Your Ash Trees?

A beetle known as the emerald ash borer (EAB) presents significant challenges for ash trees around North America. This invasive species is speculated to have originated from Asia and first appeared near Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, Ontario, in 2002. Nevertheless, this harmful insect has likely been making its rounds in North America since the 1990s. The EAB is wreaking havoc in the Great Lakes, the Mideast, and the Southeast.

This beetle species poses extreme dangers to ash tree populations as their larvae feed on ash trees’ phloem (central food delivery system), typically resulting in the tree’s untimely demise within 2-4 years. Not only is the EAB fast-acting and very threatening, but it is difficult to detect an infestation if you are not an ash tree professional. Although there are signs indicating an infected ash tree, these are often too obscure for an inexperienced eye to recognize.

Furthermore, seven of the top symptoms of EAB tree invasion are

  1. crown dieback,
  2. woodpecker feeding holes,
  3. D-shaped exit holes in the tree,
  4. bark deformities,
  5. epicormic branches,
  6. vertical cracks in the trunk,
  7. and yellowing of foliage.

I am not sure about you, but I know I would have trouble identifying these signs, let alone addressing the problem!

So, once the issue is identified, what is the best approach to get rid of these nasty pests quickly and naturally?

A few popular DIY emerald ash borer infestation treatments include soil drenching, granular insecticide application, and bark spray. These solutions essentially involve applying an insecticide to some portion of the infected tree (the soil surrounding it or the bark itself) in hopes that this insecticide will successfully kill the EAB larvae responsible for the damage. However, these haphazard treatments often fail to provide targeted insecticide delivery and are typically only short-term. Not to mention, an inexperienced individual performing one of these treatments could use too much or too little of the insecticide, apply it to the tree incorrectly, improperly estimate the infestation level, harm the surrounding environment, organisms, or themselves in the process, or make an already sick tree worse. In addition, for these treatments to even have the possibility of being effective, they must be performed annually. These EAB treatments sound like burdensome, messy work to me. Consulting a professional is usually the most promising approach to battle emerald ash borers. Check out our top local ash tree services in South Jersey today!

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Tags: ash trees, emerald ash borer, invasive species, invasive tree species, tree care treatments